"Converge, Create, Consecrate"
Mount Zion
African Methodist Episcopal Church of New Brunswick, New Jersey

The Rev. Dr. Mattie A. Carmon, Assistant Pastor

A Louisiana native, Rev. Dr. Mattie A. Carmon became the Assistant Pastor of Mt. Zion AME Church AMEC) of New Brunswick, NJ in June 2018. Formerly she served as the Executive Minister for Mt. Zion AMEC of Plainfield, NJ. There she was very active in many areas to ensure a spiritually vibrant and healthy church. As Executive Minister her leadership included weekly oversight of church operations; Thursday Bible Study and Sunday Discipleship class teacher; Advisor to several key local church ministries. She is also an effective preacher and worship leader. She also served as the Mt. Zion Economic Development Corp., Director of Community Partnerships.
Ministry Leadership: Rev. Dr. Mattie Carmon is an active member of various AMEC organizations across the First District, and New Jersey Conference. These include Women in Ministry (WIM), where she serves as the District Treasurer, and served 4-years as the Financial Secretary; and, the Minister’s Spouses Widows and Widowers Organization (MSWAWO), where she served for 4-years as the local president. Rev. Mattie has served for 13-years as an instructor in the Ministerial Training Institute, where she has taught Vocational Leadership, Old Testament Studies, and AMEC Polity.
Prior to Mt. Zion, Rev. Dr. Mattie Carmon served for over 4-years as Executive Minister with her husband at St. Marks AMEC of Cranford, NJ. And prior to that she served for 5-years on the North Stelton AMEC Ministerial Staff in Piscataway, NJ. There she was an active lay-leader in a several local church ministries prior to entering the ministry. These included YPD Director, Missionary and Stewardess Ministries, Youth and Teen Ministry Advisor, Prayer and Praise Team, and Church School and Bible Study Teacher. She served on various community boards such as Brother’s and Sister’s Inc., and faith-based boards such as the NJ Faith Based Organizations’ Initiative.
Ordination and Education: Rev. Dr. Mattie Carmon was ordained as an AMEC Itinerant Deacon and Elder in 1996 and 2000, respectively. She holds a Doctor of Ministry from Drew Seminary (with a concentration in Church Growth and Spiritual Formation), a Masters of Divinity from The New Brunswick Theological Seminary. She also holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Limestone College in Gaffney, SC.
Professional Career. Rev. Mattie Carmon had a successful 25-year AT&T career, where she distinguished herself in the areas of operations, customer service, marketing, and formulating operations procedures and processes. As an AT&T Wholesale Markets Middle Manager, she was known for leading small teams with distinction in end-to-end operational excellence. As a customer service manager her teams were known for providing service excellence to such demanding major customers as MCI and Worldcom. Finally she was responsible for managing operations training across the entire organization.
Family Life and Calling: Rev. Dr. Mattie Carmon is married to Rev. Dr. W. Golden Carmon, Sr. Inclusive by marriage (i.e., son and daughter-in-law’s) they have 4-daughters, 3-sons, 9-grandchildren and 3-great grandchildren. Rev. Mattie’s strength lies in her ability to effectively articulate biblical wisdom and truth in workshops and Bible Study groups. Her mission and vision are to seek God first—making God a priority—through personal Bible Study (Matthew 6:33), and guiding others to know the benefits of seeking God through personal prayer and meditation.